"A final gospel truth that will contribute to our understanding of and hence the quality of our marriages relates to the degree in which we involve the Savior in our relationships as husbands and wives. As designed by our Heavenly Father, marriage consists of our first entering into a covenant relationship with Christ and then with each other. He and his teachings must be the focal point of our togetherness. As we become more like him and grow closer to him, we will naturally become more loving and grow closer to each other"

Friday, October 24, 2008

Morgan weekend.

Robbie and i went up to Morgan last wednesday for the weekend! Robbie loves going up north and he can't wait to move there (9 more months...) While we were there we helped his mom get ready for the snowy months, so we had to pull out everything she planted for summer and spring and also chop wood for fires! It was a blast, the weather was so amazing so working outside all day was so fun! We also went up to Idaho to pick up the fourwheelers and go for a ride. It really was so fun but I hate riding by myself because I always get dusted out! So Robbie let me ride with him for a bit but that sucked because we went up a trail STRAIGHT up a mountain and i was hanging on for dear life... needless to say it was a great ab workout since I had to use all my strength to keep on the fourwheeler with a heavy backpack weighing me down!! On our way home we stopped at Cabela's and got ourself some fishing pools and gear! I can't wait to use them!! I've never been to the Cabelas so I was amazed at all this stuff!!We tried to get the animals in the back but it didn't work..
While we were gardening look what we found!! The big one is a Zuchini and the small one a cucumber.. i was in SHOCK. That Zuchini is huge!!
I made Robbie hold them to his head so ya'll can see how big it was!

This was the night I made White Chili for all of Robbie's Morgan friends and we watched the Red Sox vs. Tampa Bay game...

Before our ride. It was cold in Idaho and I look huge since I had like 4 layers on!!!

Its sad how ugly this picture made everything look. It really was so pretty up there.

And of coarse after the muddy ride we (Robbie) had to wash the wheelers when we got back to Morgan.
It was a good weekend and Robbies mom loved having us there. We're going back for Thanksgiving and I still can't believe Robbie is moving me up there to freeze my rear end off!! The things we do for our Husbands!


Unknown said...

OK, that zucchini is ginormous! I didn't know they came that big. Looks like you had a blast of a weekend up there, and did lots! Morgan killed Grantsville last night,it was a shut out! Jake wasn't thrilled haha, but we were thinking of you guys! Hey have fun in Vegas, and hopefully we'll see ya sooner than later :) Tell the fam hi!

Unknown said...

oh and Happy three months to you two! :)