Breckyn Lee Morrison
7 lbs 3 oz
20 inches
March 20, 2014
**WARNING: This is a birth story that includes actual photos from live events that took place on March 20th ;)**
I figure I'd better write Brecks birth story before I forget it all! Its already been a month since this little bit of heaven joined our family and what a perfect addition she has been! We love this baby more than words and I am beyond grateful to be her mother. And even more grateful that I get to watch Robbie once again be a father, and he is thee best at it and it was like I got to fall in love with two people on the day of Breckyns birth! (I should insert here that YES I already loved my husband before this day BUT I got to fall in love even more, he loves his children and everyone who knows him knows that!)
My pregnancy seemed like much more than 9 months! I only had about 6 weeks in between my miscarriage and getting pregnant again so for me if felt like it was a 15 month pregnancy with no end in sight! So at 39 weeks I was over it all! (like most women are!)
I went to see my Dr. that day and I had little change from the previous week so I was in a bit of a downer Debby mood the rest of the day and had Young Womens that evening and Rob had called to tell me he was working late so I'd have to take the kids with me! Thats not my most favorite thing to do! So I had a friend of mine, who is also in YW, walk with me that night to the church pushing the 90 pound stroller with the twins! After walking back home that night and back up the hill it takes to get to my house I was tired and uncomfortable and a bit emotional! Robbie got home around 10 and after I went on and on with all my irrational hormonal "get this baby out of me rant" I decided I may as well go to bed and throw myself a pity party!
Well - 10:30 came around and i hollered to Robbie "umm.. I think my water broke... or maybe I was just finally able to pee more than a drizzle Im not really sure!" He was confused and probably wondered how I couldnt tell the difference. So there I was sitting on the toilet, since I was trying to relieve my bladder in the first place, and a gush of water happened again. And like the total genius that I am, I said to Robbie "Okay now I really dont know whats going on because I just was able to "pee" more! (I mean seriously how dumb can I be?!) So i told him to call our friend to tell her she better come up to the house. And as I was about to tell him to call her back and say never mind, the contractions hit. And they DID.NOT.STOP! Holy smokes! They started about 2 minutes apart and I had no idea what I was in for!
We got to the hospital at 11:15 and in the room and checked at about 11:30ish! I was at a 5 and contracting every minute and a half. The drug god was in an emergency c-section so I had to wait what felt like a life time! Just over an hour went by and in walked the man of my dreams ;) okay yeah, obviously im exaggerating a bit but come on lets be honest at that moment I would have done anything that Dr. asked me to. So there I was loving every second that that drug had to offer, happy as can be and high as a kite. Not the worst feeling in the world ;) My dr. came in after I got all good and medicated and I was at a 8+. I didn't think it would go so fast but everyone left us alone and turned the lights out so we could "rest"
Minutes later I kept telling Robbie I was certain she was on her way out of me .. what a strange feeling that was. After a bit the nurse came to check me since I was contracting about every 30 seconds and this is how the conversation went
Nurse: Okay yeah you are a 10 plus and ready to have this baby!
Me: Okay great... so what does that mean?
Nurse: It means your about to have this baby!! (insert laughing here)
Me: What? Really... sooo.. what does that mean?!
Nurse: It means its time to push!
Me: NOW? thats it, thats all thats left?
*Dont judge me for being a complete idiot! I had no idea what to expect from a normal delivery and had no idea it would all happen so quickly**
So.. we all know what happens next! Baby time! I wasn't even allowed to have any practice pushes because just attempting to take a deep breath was more than enough to get this baby out! So in walked our Doctor and a few minutes later out came this perfect little human at 2:00 AM. Gosh I wish there were words to describe that moment. There aren't. She was perfect, bald head and all. She was calm and she was more than I ever could have hoped for. She was healthy and she is all mine and we are obsessed with her!
This photo above is so beautiful to me. Seconds after being brought into this earth, I didnt get to experience this moment with the twins and this is what I longed for and why I held out for a VBAC. It was worth it. All of it.
Robbie had absolutely no interest in cutting the cord. He told the nurses he didn't want to but I told them to ask him when the time comes ;) And he did it! Did he love it? I mean, no, BUT he did it! He said it was such a strange feeling. But I mean could it possibly be more strange than the feeling of a tiny human coming out of your body? Doubt it.
We love our Doctor and his staff and are so grateful for the memories we have had with him. Such a compassionate and caring man who truly wants whats best for you. We have been through a lot with him in the past year and a half and he has been so kind through it all.
The twins LOVE their sissy and Madden tells us often how happy Jesus is that we love our baby sister so much! I swear that boy is more in tune then most grown adults and I'm always amazed at the sweet comments that come from him!
Tell me thats not the most adorable photo you have ever seen!? While holding Breckyn she wouldnt take her eyes off Robbie for the first 5 minutes!
But she finally looked and she is just as obsessed as we are!
Well there you have it! I spared you all the unkind words and things I said while I was not yet medicated and all about the reality of life after giving birth and the things that people don't ever tell you! And there is a reason why! Breck was about a week old when I was looking at her and said to Robbie, I JUST realized this baby came out of me, its no wonder I feel so awkward in my lady area! Followed by: there is a reason we forget about the pain, because Im not so certain we would want to go through it all again! (Yes of course I would go through it all again but you know what im saying)
OKAY this has been long enough. I will make another post about life with 3 kids and all that jazz!