My birthday was on Friday and my family came up and stayed with us! It was SO much fun! Courtney came up Thursday night and her and I went out with Megan and had a blast! Who knew you could play boxers or briefs with only 3 people! It was great!! This pictures are all out of order though! Anyway! Then Friday night my parents and little brother came up and we went out to BENJA'S (i LOVE it!) Court and I tried sushi and believe it or not we liked it... well only the fried ones! There was 10 of us at dinner and the owner came up and spoke with us and told us about thailand and the Elephants! Did you know that they really CAN play soccer and paint!!
On Saturday we just bummed around and watched conference... well some of us watched! While most napped.. (i know thats horrible but its the truth) Although there were some great talks and there is ALWAYS much to be learned!!
Im so glad my family got to come up! I had a blast! Heres pictures from the weekend!
... benja's...
...Mom and Dad!...
...check out that cute purse Robbie got me!!...
...i heart him...
...Court looks SO much taller than Megan and I...
...Waiting to eat!! Its worth the wait I promise!...
...Of coarse we had to go shopping and spend more than we have!... bad Ryan wasn't there to complete this picture...
...At Pizza Factory, YES we did eat out WAY to much! I gained 10 pounds!...
...sister lovin'...
...and one more!...
Thanks everyone for the Birthday wishes! It really was such a great day! And it made it nice to know Robbie DOES listen when I go off about things I want! I was so excited about that purse! Go check it out!!